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Quantifi Photonics: Laser focused on solving customers' problems

Published on 18/08/2021



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If you’ve used the internet, and who hasn’t, you have likely touched Quantifi Photonics, one of four core private equity investments made by Simplicity.

Quantifi develops and manufactures test and measurement equipment for the optical communications industry, to support manufacturers that supply to the fibre optics networks and data centres that enable the internet.

Its biggest customers include multinational telecom and internet companies who invest hundreds and millions in new technology for a market valued at over USD$15 billion. They include Google, Microsoft and Intel.

Quantifi’s Chief Technology Officer Iannick Monfils, says while geography puts many NZ businesses at a disadvantage, it poses no hindrance to its success in its market.

“We’re a proud New Zealand company developing and manufacturing extremely high-tech hardware and software in New Zealand and we’ve assembled a world-leading team’ in this sector. Our success comes down to being laser focused on solving our customers' problems and we can do that in a sustainable way from New Zealand.”

Matt Houtman, Simplicity’s Head of Private Capital, said Quantifi met all of Simplicity’s criteria as a solid investment. 

“Simplicity wants to invest in companies from New Zealand that ideally have more than $10m of revenue and have a track record of operating performance.  We like growth stories, experienced management, and we invest for a long-term horizon.”

Houtman says Quantifi’s expertise and reputation in the photonics equipment sector make it an attractive prospect for investors, particularly given the growth of fibre optic networks and data centres globally. 

Quantifi for its part is optimistic. “The future looks really bright. The internet continues to be a big part of everyone’s life and data communication continues to grow. We expect big growth in the next few years,” says Monfils.

Find out more from Quantifi Photonics:

Learn more about our Private Equity investments here: simplicity.kiwi/private-equity