A KiwiSaver plan that's simply

Simplicity is NZ’s nonprofit KiwiSaver manager, charging members low, low fees. The savings really add up. We call it the Simplicity Difference.

too much?

All funds charge the same low fee - 0.25% p.a., or $2.50 for every $1000 invested.

The fee savings we call the Simplicity Difference. Find yours below.

Annual fees on $50,000 invested in a diversified fund.
Our fee for all funds
Average industry fee for Conservative funds

* Average growth funds fee of 1.00%
Okay, got it

Average industry fee for Balanced Funds

* Average growth funds fee of 1.16%
Okay, got it

Average industry fee for Growth Funds

* Average growth funds fee of 1.29%
Okay, got it


Source: Simplicity KiwiSaver diversified fund fees are as at 01/02/2024. The average industry fees for KiwiSaver diversified funds are from Sorted Smart Investor as at 31/01/2025. Annual fee amounts are calculated based on a static investment balance of $50,000. The average industry fees may change, and actual fees paid may vary based on investor balance over a given year.

Fund types

High Growth

This fund invests mostly in growth assets.


This fund invests mostly in growth assets, with a limited exposure to income assets.


This fund is invested in a mix of growth and income assets.


This fund is invested in a mix of growth and income assets.


This fund is mostly invested in income assets, with a limited exposure to growth assets.


This fund is mostly invested in income assets, with very limited exposure to growth assets.

KiwiSaver Scheme Performance

Fund Name

1 Month

6 Months

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

5 Years

KiwiSaver High Growth Fund

High Growth Fund




KiwiSaver Growth Fund

Growth Fund







KiwiSaver Balanced Fund

Balanced Fund







KiwiSaver Default Fund

Default Fund






KiwiSaver Conservative Fund

Conservative Fund







KiwiSaver Defensive Fund

Defensive Fund




These returns are to 28-02-2025 and are before tax and after fund management fees. Yearly returns are per annum. Effective from 26 September 2024 the Defensive Fund’s benchmark asset allocation changed to replace the allocation to global and NZ bonds with an increased allocation to cash and cash equivalent assets – performance periods prior to that date reflect the earlier benchmark asset allocation. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance and return periods may differ.

Our most frequently asked KiwiSaver questions

Q How do I join the Simplicity KiwiSaver Scheme?

If you are brand new to KiwiSaver or switching to Simplicity from another provider, joining our scheme takes just a few minutes. You'll need your IRD number and photo ID like a passport and driver's licence. To complete an application form click here.

Please be aware if you're joining KiwiSaver for the first time, there's a mandatory three-month holding period for any contributions paid to Inland Revenue by you or your employer. Your contributions will accrue with Inland Revenue during this time and they'll be transferred to your provider after three months for investment.

Q Can I switch funds?

Yes, you can switch funds at any time. Just log on to your Simplicity account and click on Switch funds on the left-hand menu.

There is no cost to switch funds. We do recommend you do some research first. Our Fund Selector can help or check out sorted.org.nz

Currently, you can only have one fund type with the Simplicity KiwiSaver Scheme.

Q How much will I pay in fees?

The annual fees on our KiwiSaver accounts simply have a 0.25% per annum management fee. This equates to $2.50 per $1000 that you have invested. 

This fee is deducted at a daily rate and displayed on your online account in dollar figures.

As a nonprofit fund manager, our long term strategy is to drive these fees down as low as possible as we grow and have the economies of scale to do so. Simplicity NZ Ltd is 100% owned by The Simplicity Foundation and we give 15% of our fees to the Foundation, who distributes these funds to New Zealand charities.

Look who's chosen us

Make us your employer preferred KiwiSaver provider and we’ll help your employees understand the simple truths about money. Our free online and workplace seminars teach the basics about KiwiSaver and personal finance.
And because we’re a nonprofit there’s no product flogging. Learn more about us here.

Our member website

Forecasting Tools

See how different fund types and contributions will impact your projected returns.

Linked Accounts

One central login can give you access to all you, and your family's, accounts.

Total Transparency

A complete breakdown of all investments, contributions, fees, taxes and returns.

Easy Switching

You're in charge. You can change the funds you're invested in online at no charge.

Minutes to join

Grab your IRD number and driver licence or passport, and fill in the form. We’ll do everything else %)