Learn » Blog » KiwiSaver: a ticket to prosperity that politicians don’t get
Politician's just "don't get KiwiSaver", says Simplicity MD Sam Stubbs. Speaking to the owner of Good Returns he says both parties' policies are disappointing tinkering around the edges.
“They don’t get that there is this huge pool of savings that will fund a whole lot of cool stuff around New Zealand.They’re not engaging with KiwiSaver managers and with KiwiSaver as a ticket to future prosperity.”
Stubbs says a plane with 12 billionaires each wanting to invest $10 billion in New Zealand would be met with a red carpet. “The top 12 KiwiSaver managers will invest something like $10 billion in New Zealand each, over the next 20 or 30 years. Do you think any politician could name two of them? I doubt it.”
See the full video interview below or check out the article on Good Returns here.