Simplicity Living

Investment in Simplicity Living funds quality homes available to rent long term.

Homes for life

We believe you can make money and do good. %)

Rental housing can provide reliable investment returns because quality homes rented at fair rates tend to attract high quality loyal tenants, who often stay for the long term. And warm, dry, affordable homes, can be a ‘fence at the top of the cliff’ preventing costly health and social problems.

Many of Simplicity's diversified KiwiSaver and Investment Funds invest in a wholesale Property Fund that holds shares of Simplicity Living Limited, a developer and operator of high-quality Build to Rent homes.

Simplicity Living started in Auckland and its long-term aim is to build, own and operate over 10,000 quality rental homes across New Zealand. As Simplicity Living owns and manages the properties, a larger share of the benefits flow back to its shareholders and ultimately Simplicity members.

Investment in large scale rental housing is not new, just new to New Zealand. Many large pension funds globally own and rent houses for the long term.

Simplicity Living

Progress so far


Built and rented


In build


In development

$211 Million


Our goal

Generate competitive shareholder returns while building and renting 10,000+ homes for the long term across NZ.

Click See all communities to find out more, or register interest for future availability

Frequently asked questions

We believe you can make money and do good. It’s what we do %)

We believe that, over the long term, investments in companies that develop and operate build to rent homes will provide superior risk adjusted returns.

And warm, dry, affordable homes in a community can be a ‘fence at the top of the cliff’, helping prevent costly health and social problems.

Simplicity Living owns and control as much of the Build to Rent process as possible - they buy the land, build the homes, rent and maintain them - so the benefits return to shareholders (and ultimately Simplicity members).

There is nothing new here. Many large pension funds overseas invest in the Build to Rent sector.

To see how much of your fund is invested in to Simplicity Living shares, look under KiwiSaver or Investment Funds for the fund you're invested in (or interested in investing in!), and then find Unlisted property below What this fund invests in.

You can also see what this would be in dollars and cents by using the Where in the world is my money? calculator on our website.

Or if you are a member, log in to your account and see exactly what you have invested by clicking ‘Where in the World is my money?’ on the main menu.

Simplicity Living follows a low-cost, efficient building strategy developed over many years by its predecessor, NZ Living. The intellectual property of NZ Living was gifted to start Simplicity Living, and all the staff transferred too. 

The building strategy allows Simplicity Living to the build significantly below average market costs per square metre, and to a very high quality.

Simplicity Living's typical BTR development project is for communities of 50-300 homes, with a mixture of studio and 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms apartments.

All of our diversified funds, except the KiwiSaver Default Fund, are invested in the Property Fund, which in turn invests in shares of Simplicity Living.

Visit the relevant fund page (KiwiSaver or Investment Funds) to find out more.

Minutes to join

Grab your IRD number and driver licence or passport, and fill in the form. We’ll do everything else %)